Sunday, September 19, 2010

Birthday Slumber Party Weekend

Hi..Its me again. Like Ive said before some post are a bit too much for me to handle so thats when my awesome husband steps in and fills ya'll in on whats going on.  That appointment had its up and downs and thats kind of how I've been over the weekend. Im happy I don't have to have and go through chemo but I cry on the spot when thinking about losing my arm. Im trying to not let it get to me because that of course is our last option but if its what necessary to rid my body of this cancer and live a healthy life from here on out...I guess that wouldnt be too bad :) MRI is Tuesday at 6am. Please Please Please pray that the tumor is superficial and on the tendons not the nerves. If thats the case I'd just have the surgery to take out more tissue, repair tendons and then radiation for 6 weeks. That doesn't sound to bad to me. Please pray that it be in Gods will to heal the cancer from body but I still get to keep my arm :)

This weekend was my amazing Dads Birthday. We celebrated all weekend and just tried to push all our worries and trouble to the side and we did. We all had a blast.  Since the diagnoses Nathan & I have been spending so much time with my family. Besides each other...they are our major support system and I don't know how we'd be with out them. So we had a slumber party at their house all weekend, celebrating life, eating and playing games. Saturday was his actual birthday so we went out to dinner to his favorite Japanense steak house. Sunday we watched football and ate all day long....literally!!! It was fun and delicious. Doing fun stuff like this gets our minds off our fears.

Before leaving the house for dinner....

My Dad and brothers, Brandon & Josh
Dad, Aunt Jory, Mom & Me
I may look a little larger to ya'll..
Nathan & Mom were trying to fatten me up for chemo 
so now that there's no chemo...Im just a bit bigger...haha! 
and Im happy with that. Id rather keep these pounds on then do chemo :)
Dad and his girls....
The cool kids...haha!

Again, Thank you, thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the prayers being said for me. For spreading the word of my journey and finding new people to pray.  This journey hasn't been easy but when I think of all the people praying and I think about our God I feel peace...
If he is for us, then who can be against us 
So please if you have someone praying for us that we don't know...or if you just happened to come across this blog and don't know us at all. Please let us know. We love and get encouraged and inspired by how many love God and are praying for us. Its so comforting. We do read every comment or email and appreciate them all so much. So thank you and again MRI Tuesday at 6am at the City of Hope....please pray!

In Love,

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