Wednesday, November 24, 2010

This Thanksgiving I'm Thankful For.....

This Amazing Man....
Nathan has been my best friend.This past year has definintely rocked our boat a bit but not our marriage or love for each other. Nathan has been so strong and just there for me. He amazes me everyday in everything he does....Im so lucky to call him MY husband and wake up to him every morning...Im sooo blessed.

Our Angel Baby that is in heaven
This is one of the hardest things for me to talk about especially on the blog but I've tried to be so honest on this blog the whole time and I couldn't tell you what I was thankful for without mentioning our Angel Baby that literally saved my life. Our baby was here for such a short time to save my life and then went back up to heaven. Nathan and I are eternally grateful and cant wait to meet he/she one day in heaven :) It makes my heart very happy thinking about him/her. Very Thankful!!!!  

My Family
I cant say enough of the support and love from my parents and brothers. This year would have been so much harder if it wasn't for them. Im so so so so thankful for them.

Momma J
She's been there for both Nathan and I. She lets us just talk when we need to talk and talks to us when we just want to listen. Im very thankful for her love and support.

My Faith
Where would I be without the love and grace of the Lord. Im amazed daily at his peace and comfort. Prayer is amazing and I'd hate to walk this journey and battle without his love and guidance. I just wouldnt be able to do it. Im thankful we are saved!

My Cancer....
***Sorry about the graphic picture but this blog is me and this is my reality.***
This was taken the day of my surgery when the tumor was taken out. At the time we had no idea it was cancer but my life changed a week later. This news was devastating but I knew Id get through it..with my faith and love from others I'd put this in my past. Although Im still in that battle Im at a good place and feel like Im on my way to recovery. But cancer has taught me to love deeper, appreciate more, pray harder, forgive easier and those are things that will never be taken away from me. Im forever thankful for that.

Lastly, Im thankful for you...If you're reading Im thankful, if you're praying Im even more thankful. The support and prayers from family, friends and people I don't know brightens my day and makes this journey so much easier. I appreciate it more than ya'll will ever know. I pray and hope no one ever has to go through this journey but the only way you'd know my deep appreciation for the love, support and prayers is if you did walk in my shoes for a day. Thank you so much!

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