Sunday, February 20, 2011


Beautiful Sunset in Tennessee

We're back from Nashville and had a wonderful time.  Weddings are always so much fun because they bring so many people together that we don't see often. It was nice to take a break away and just relax and spend seven days straight with my hubby (he works a lot).
Nathan & I with the bride (his sister) and groom!

I finally scheduled my PET/CT scan..I guess I had been procrastinating because I'm scared. But it is scheduled for March 7 at 8:30am and I will get my results at my doctors appointment on March 10 at 10:45 am.  Please keep me in your prayers!

I am working on a post about the day I found out about the cancer and the few days following. This is my journal and as not fun and sad as those days were I want to remember the details...its part of my story and part of my journey.